Allergy 2008 – observational study of 977 patients

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Piotr Rapiejko
Agnieszka Lipiec


The aim of the study was to gain the information on symptoms and treatment of patients suffering from allergic diseases. The multicenter, open study was conducted in years 2008–2009. The study embraced patients with following allergy symptoms: nasal blockade, rhinorrhea, cough, eye redness and skin symptoms. The analyzed group embraced 977 patients. The biggest group of patients visiting medical center due to allergy symptoms was the group of young adults; 30% was no older than 30 years old. The group of drugs prescribed most often to patients with allergy symptoms was antihistaminic drugs; used by 96.9% of assessed patients. Antihistaminic drugs that are safe, recommended by international expert committees should be used.



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How to Cite
Rapiejko , P., Lipiec , A., & Beata. (2009). Allergy 2008 – observational study of 977 patients. Alergoprofil, 5(1), 24-32. Retrieved from


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