The examination of sense of smell with sniff test in patients with acute sinusitis

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Piotr Rapiejko
Dariusz Jurkiewicz


The sense of smell is a primal sense for humans. The sense of smell plays a serves as an important warning system for the detection of fire, leaking natural gas, and spoiled food and significant role in determining the flavour of foods. Physicians rarely assess smell function, largely because of time considerations. Goals of the study were to evaluate the frequency of olfactory dysfunction in 40 patients with acute sinusitis in 1st and 7th day of treatment The data in the study revealed that olfactory dysfunction among subjects with acute sinusitis is more frequent than previously reported (22 with 40 patients). „Sniffin’ Sticks” (TW-2) is a modern test, that is based on penlike odour-dispensing devices. It consists of tests of olfactory function: odour discrimination, and odour identification.



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How to Cite
Rapiejko , P., & Jurkiewicz , D. (2009). The examination of sense of smell with sniff test in patients with acute sinusitis. Alergoprofil, 5(1), 16-22. Retrieved from


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