Statistical models used for predicting concentrations of allergenic spores

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Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń


The important direction in aerobiological studies is to search for relationships between the characteristics of spore season and the weather variables. Since now only a few forecasting models for selected allergenic types of spores have been created. Most of them are characterized by relatively low verifiability (about 30%) and based on simple descriptive statistics. Modelling of the concentration of fungal spores in the air is relatively difficult. Due to the complexity of the test object (a large number of parameters analyzed, very irregular changes in the concentration of spores in a significant variety of species, non-linear relationship between the parameters) the techniques for multidimensional data mining and other advanced statistical methods are preferred.


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Grinn-Gofroń , A. (2012). Statistical models used for predicting concentrations of allergenic spores. Alergoprofil, 8(2), 10-12. Retrieved from


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