Selected psychosocial aspects of life of patients with a stoma Original article

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Andrzej Nowicki
Paulina Farbicka


Cancer causes huge problems, physical and mental nature mainly. In particular, we cannot forget about the functioning of these patients in the social and spiritual spheres. The increasing trend of incidence of rectal cancer makes the disease is becoming a priority for doctors, nurses and psycho-oncologists. Despite the increasing quality of medical services, patients face a number of problems associated with cancer treatment, which may result in formation of a colostomy. The procedure, which is necessary to save the patient’s life, is often perceived by them as “mutilation”. Acceptance of the disease and satisfaction of life in patients with a stoma after the operation for rectal cancer are dependent on many factors. Social support, living conditions and the time elapsed since creation of the stoma have great impact. “Stoma nurse” plays an extremely important role. Seeing the difficulties in adapting the stoma she should verify the patient’s pessimism as to his/her own self, develops a sense of responsibility from minor to major issues and strengthen a sense of independence.


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Nowicki A, Farbicka P. Selected psychosocial aspects of life of patients with a stoma. OncoReview [Internet]. 2016May19 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(2(22):72-6. Available from:


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