Percutaneous retrieval of a fractured portacath fragment in two patients undergoing long-term chemotherapy Case report

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Justyna Norwa
Szymon Darocha
Anna Dobosiewicz
Andrzej Koteja
Arkadiusz Pietrasik
Adam Torbicki
Sebastian Szmit
Marcin Kurzyna


The paper discusses two clinical cases of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, in whom fractured and displaced tips of portacath catheters were revealed based on plain chest imaging. In the first case, the portacath fragment migrated to the left pulmonary artery, with the missing catheter tip revealed during the procedure of port removal due to its occlusion, with no other prior clinical symptoms. In the second case, the catheter broke off at the level of its entry into the subclavian vein, and migrated into the right cardiac ventricle, which was accompanied by mild pain and oedema in the subclavicular region. Both patients underwent successful procedures of percutaneous foreign body retrieval with the use of endovascular snares. The procedures were performed via femoral vein access, with no complications.


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How to Cite
Norwa J, Darocha S, Dobosiewicz A, Koteja A, Pietrasik A, Torbicki A, Szmit S, Kurzyna M. Percutaneous retrieval of a fractured portacath fragment in two patients undergoing long-term chemotherapy. OncoReview [Internet]. 2016May19 [cited 2025Feb.24];6(2(22):57-1. Available from:


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