The role of activation of insulin-like growth factors in colorectal cancer Review article

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Katarzyna Walkiewicz
Ewa Nowakowska-Zajdel
Joanna Strzelczyk
Michał Walczak
Angelika Copija
Karolina Janion
Małgorzata Muc-Wierzgoń


Co-occurrence of metabolic disorders is a recognized risk factor for the development of colorectal cancer which is currently the leading cause of morbidity due to malignant neoplasms in the world. The pathogenesis of colorectal cancer is not well understood yet. Among the postulated neoplastic mechanisms is the activation of insulin-like growth factors, with both epidemiological and clinical observations of their role. In this paper, the authors synthesize the current knowledge about the importance of activation of insulin-like growth factors in the development of colorectal cancer.


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Walkiewicz K, Nowakowska-Zajdel E, Strzelczyk J, Walczak M, Copija A, Janion K, Muc-Wierzgoń M. The role of activation of insulin-like growth factors in colorectal cancer. OncoReview [Internet]. 2017Jul.20 [cited 2025Feb.22];7(3(27):116-20. Available from:


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