Interstitial pneumonia during treatment with rituximab Case report

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Dominika Leś
Anna Polakiewicz-Gilowska
Beata Kaleta
Danuta Starzyczny-Słota
Elżbieta Nowara


Rituximab (RTX) is a chimeric anti-CD20 antibody. It plays an important role in the treatment of B-cell lymphomas and diseases of autoaggression. RTX-induced lung disease is a rare entity, which should be considered in those patients treated with RTX who present with pulmonary disorders with no clear evidence of infection. A 37-year-old woman suffering from CD20-positive DLBCL (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) received two cycles of the R-CHOP (RTX, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) regimen. After the second cycle of immunochemotherapy, symptoms of interstitial pneumonia occurred. Having excluded all the other causes, it was diagnosed as a complication associated with the administration of RTX.


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Leś D, Polakiewicz-Gilowska A, Kaleta B, Starzyczny-Słota D, Nowara E. Interstitial pneumonia during treatment with rituximab. OncoReview [Internet]. 2015Mar.2 [cited 2025Feb.24];5(1(17):16-0. Available from:


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