Percutaneous vena cava superior angioplasty and stenting as an effective method of treatment in vena cava superior syndrome in the course of lung cancer Case report

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Szymon Darocha
Sebastian Szmit
Radosław Pietura
Marcin Kurzyna


Vena cava superior syndrome (VCSS) is a sudden life-threatening condition encountered in patients with neoplasms. The prognosis depends on histopathological diagnosis, severity of clinical symptoms and administered treatment. Depending on the type of neoplasm, the treatment of choice may be radiotherapy or chemotherapy. In patients with rapidly increasing clinical symptoms the justified management is percutaneous balloon angioplasty of the superior vena cava with the placement of stents.


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Darocha S, Szmit S, Pietura R, Kurzyna M. Percutaneous vena cava superior angioplasty and stenting as an effective method of treatment in vena cava superior syndrome in the course of lung cancer. OncoReview [Internet]. 2014Sep.30 [cited 2024Jul.23];4(3(15):108-12. Available from:


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