Squamous cell oesophageal cancer in retinoblastoma survivor: does germinal RB1 mutation influence chemoand radiosensitivity? Case report

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Tomasz Dworzecki
Beata Smolska-Ciszewska
Rafał Suwiński


The case of complete response of squamous cell oesophageal cancer to radiochemotherapy in patient previously operated due to hereditary retinoblastoma is presented. Second cancers in retinoblastoma survivors are the main cause of death in that group of patients in developed countries. There is little data on the outcome of treatment in those patients but the few papers available suggest rather poor prognosis. However, it is not clear whether the biology of cancer determined by RB gene mutation is responsible for that. The data suggesting decreased radio- and chemoresistance in cancers with decreased RB gene expression is discussed in the present paper. The role of that gene in the response to cancer treatment was showed in lung, breast and bladder cancer. Moreover, laboratory studies seem to confirm clinical observations and show that RB gene inhibition leads to increased cytotoxic effect of cisplatin, etoposide and 5-fluorouracil. It seems that without the incorporation of gene expression profiling into clinical practice further improvement in cancer treatment will be difficult to achieve.


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Dworzecki T, Smolska-Ciszewska B, Suwiński R. Squamous cell oesophageal cancer in retinoblastoma survivor: does germinal RB1 mutation influence chemoand radiosensitivity?. OncoReview [Internet]. 2014Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];4(2(14):72-5. Available from: https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/OncoReview/article/view/363


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