Pleural effusion in patient with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with dasatinib – a case report Case report

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Rafał Becht


Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm with inherence of a cytogenetic abnormalities in the shape of translocation of gene ABL from chromosome 9 to chromosome 22, t(9,22)(q34;q11). Current standard therapy in CML, is made by the application of a medicine from tyrosine kinase inhibitors group (TKI) which means usage of: imatinib, dasatinib or nilotinib. Application of a tyrosine kinase inhibitors with their therapeutic effectiveness can cause a variety of undesirable side-effects. One of the essential nonhematologic complications made by the usage of dasatinib is the fluid retention which may manifest, among the others, of pleural effusion. Here is the case report of a patients with CML treated initially with imatinib and then due to intolerance (skin toxicity) with dasatinib. During dasatinib treatment a pleural effusion occurred, this caused periodic interruption in usage of dasatinib and implementation of appropriate conduct.


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Becht R. Pleural effusion in patient with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with dasatinib – a case report. OncoReview [Internet]. 2013Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.24];3(4(12):278-82. Available from:


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