The quality of life and the sexual activity of prostate cancer patients after radical radiotherapy in comparison with group without cancer Original article

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Monika Rucińska
Anna Kieszkowska-Grudny
Katarzyna Klimowicz
Sergiusz Nawrocki


Background: Prostate cancer is a disease with a significant impact on quality of life (QoL) both during and after cancer treatment.

The aim of study: The aim of this study was assessment of QoL and sexual activity of prostate cancer survivors after radiotherapy in comparison with the healthy men.

Material and methods: 100 men were included to the study: 50 non-metastatic prostate cancer patients (54–83 years, median 69 years) after radical radiotherapy treatment (8–71 months; mean 27.5 months) and 50 healthy men (55–84 years, median 69 years). Subjects filled out a questionnaires that included EORTC QLQ.C-30 (version 3.0.), EORTC PR-25 and additional demographic and medical questionnaires.

Results: Three and more months after prostate cancer treatment patients estimated their QoL on the same level as healthy subjects. The symptoms from genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts did not impact on QoL. There were no significant differences in physical functioning, role functioning, emotional functioning, as well as in cognitive and social functioning. There were differences between too groups in sexual activity, erection and sexual satisfaction.

Conclusions: Radical radiotherapy of prostate cancer patients does not impact on QoL and general health status. Some differences were observed in sexual activity, but it could also depend on additional hormonal treatment.


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Rucińska M, Kieszkowska-Grudny A, Klimowicz K, Nawrocki S. The quality of life and the sexual activity of prostate cancer patients after radical radiotherapy in comparison with group without cancer. OncoReview [Internet]. 2013Mar.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];3(1(9):18-4. Available from:


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