Meeting the human Special article

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Anna Walaszkowska-Czyż
Małgorzata Kuc-Rajca


We often have to deal with problems which force us to making difficult choices and decisions that have not only clinical aspects but also ethical during the oncologist’s work. Unfortunately there is not enough place in available medical literature given for dilemmas which oncologists meet in their work. We would like to encourage you to share your doubts and present descriptions of situations which were difficult for you in the pages of our newspaper. By example of a patient who got treatment in our hospital we present dilemmas which appeared in our mutual contacts and became an inspiration to further thoughts. We also discuss such issues as doctor’s attitude to dying patient, the problem of restricting medical procedures and patient– doctor relation.


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Walaszkowska-Czyż A, Kuc-Rajca M. Meeting the human. OncoReview [Internet]. 2013Mar.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];3(1(9):5-. Available from:


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