Rehabilitation of patients with cancer of the respiratory system Review article

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Oliwia Głogowska
Sebastian Szmit
Maciej Głogowski


Many patients with lung cancer have concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart diseases. The planned anticancer therapy should be individualized in relationship of patient’s cardiac and pulmonary condition. Pulmonary rehabilitation is based on evidence, its main aim is to improve the quality of life by increasing physical fitness and optimal pattern of ventilation. It may prevent complications such as hypoxemia, respiratory infections, symptoms related to immobilization during hospitalization. Rehabilitation can be recommended both before and after lung resection. The most effective way to prevent post-operative complications is early respiratory physiotherapy before and after surgery. Properly rehabilitation can also be very useful in patients treated with palliative radio- or chemotherapy. The article is a summary of the available results and efficiency of the rehabilitation in patients with lung cancer.


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Głogowska O, Szmit S, Głogowski M. Rehabilitation of patients with cancer of the respiratory system. OncoReview [Internet]. 2012Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.10];2(4(8):236-43. Available from:


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