High risk pulmonary embolism in oncology Review article

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Magdalena Zaborowska
Sebastian Szmit
Cezary Szczylik


Pulmonary embolism is a frequent complication of both cancer and the oncologic therapy. There is still discussed the subject of optimal antithrombotic prophylaxis in oncology. This article presents the patient with metastatic prostate cancer who experienced complications during therapy with lenalidomide and docetaxel. The doctors from emergency department diagnosed in this patient neutropenic fever with suspicion of pneumonia and pleuritis. Meanwhile the diagnostic scheme proceeded in the Department of Oncology according to the guidelines of European Society of Cardiology helped to diagnose high risk pulmonary embolism. The article presents a case report of effective multi-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment of oncological patients with complications after chemotherapy. The discussion includes current obligatory recommendations of the American and European scientific societies for primary and secondary antithrombotic prevention in patients with cancer.


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Zaborowska M, Szmit S, Szczylik C. High risk pulmonary embolism in oncology. OncoReview [Internet]. 2011May31 [cited 2025Mar.9];1(2(2):142-7. Available from: https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/OncoReview/article/view/248


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