Thrombosis of the deep dorsal penile vein and corpora cavernosa of the penis as the first symptoms of colon cancer. Case report and literature review Case report

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Marek Roslan
Maciej Przudzik
Michał Borowik
Henryk Wronka
Zygmunt Kozielec
Maciej Michalak
Radosław Grabysa


The case describes an 86-year-old man with thrombosis of the deep dorsal vein and corpora cavernosa of the penis who developed symptoms 4 months before hospitalisation. An accurate imaging diagnostics supplemented with a biopsy of the corpus cavernosum confirmed the initial diagnosis. Moreover, an adenocarcinoma of the hepatic flexion of the colon with numerous metastatic lesions, including those to the crus of penis were found. Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties were described and the results obtained were discussed in the context of available literature.


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Roslan M, Przudzik M, Borowik M, Wronka H, Kozielec Z, Michalak M, Grabysa R. Thrombosis of the deep dorsal penile vein and corpora cavernosa of the penis as the first symptoms of colon cancer. Case report and literature review. OncoReview [Internet]. 2020Nov.17 [cited 2025Mar.15];10(3(39):98-102. Available from:


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