CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferation of the bulbar conjuntival mucosa showing spontaneous remission Case report

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Paula Marticorena Álvarez
Guadalupe Garrido Ceca
Mercedes Guijarro Rojas


Introduction: CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative lesions represent a spectrum of heterogeneous disorders.

Clinical case: An incision biopsy was performed in a 25-year-old man with a lump in the bulbar conjunctiva. Immunohistochemistry indicated membrane positivity for CD3 and CD30 in over 75%. PCR identified the monoclonal nature of the T-cells. The hematological study was normal. Following biopsy, the conjunctival tumor diminished until disappear.

Conclusions: Mucosal CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferation could be ascribed to a reactive process but it is necessary to rule out a primary conjunctival tumor or the first manifestation of an anaplastic large cell lymphoma.


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How to Cite
Marticorena Álvarez P, Garrido Ceca G, Guijarro Rojas M. CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferation of the bulbar conjuntival mucosa showing spontaneous remission. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2021Mar.19 [cited 2025Feb.5];8(1):45-8. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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