Art therapy in the world of depression (II phase) Review article

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Aleksandra Chmielnicka-Plaskota
Bartosz Łoza
Paweł Bednarski
Anna Zielińska


The purpose of these studies is to stimulate patients with depression to art therapeutic activity. We analyze the 2nd phase of studies on art therapy in psychiatry. The 1st phase was presented in “Neuropsychiatry. Clinical Review”, vol. 3 (No 3) 2011. At the current stage, arttherapeutic activities are applied in open space. Such forms of creative activity as workshops, performance, and installation are undertaken. Previous activities of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral nature are continued. In case studies, the process of creating art is described based on the diagnosis, record of observations of the arttherapeutic session. Patient’s statements expressed before, during, and after the session are also quoted. A comparison of the 1st and 2nd phases of art therapy is done based on subjective scales, i.e., descriptive scales that rely on those used in fine arts. These scales, according to a general idea of the project: „From art activity to rehabilitation of one’s own competences”, will complement a psychometric research (PGWB and HADS scales) (3rd phase of studies).

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