How to make the best use of the given seven minutes? On the doctor and the patient Review article

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Paulina Wnukiewicz


The article is focused on the peculiarity of the patient and doctor relation in Polish psychiatric practice. It presents the ways of building relationship with a patient through communicative techniques i.e. understanding. Various attitudes towards a disease and their significance for the therapeutic process have been analyzed. The article also describes the basic elements of rapport building according to Carl Rogers, i.e. authenticity, acceptance, empathy and the ways that these are utilized when initiating and concluding a conversation with the patient, providing him or her with the details about treatment and offering a communicative support. The article contains practical tips on how the doctor should act to make the maximum use of the time devoted to one patient. Finally the article focuses on a multidimensional aspect of the healing process regarding the relevance of the doctor’s conduct towards the patient and the effects of the well-established raport.

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