10 most important studies of olanzapine you need to know Review article

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Bartosz Łoza


Olanzapine is one of the most important atypical antipsychotics. It is indicated as the first-line, registered psychiatric treatment for many disorders. Intensive research has led to the fact that olanzapine has achieved the highest number of approved indications. Olanzapine is indicated for acute and maintenance therapy of schizophrenia, bipolar manic and mixed episodes, bipolar depressive episodes and for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. It is also indicated for treatment-resistant unipolar depression. There are also lots of off-label indications for olanzapine, like delusional disorders, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders – especially borderline type, Tourette syndrome, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and many others, mostly behavioral disorders. Large studies found that olanzapine was better at controlling psychopathological symptoms because patients were more likely to remain on olanzapine than the other drugs. This paper presents the review of cutting-edge research works about olanzapine.

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