Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease – the roles of caregivers in pharmacological treatment Review article

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Andrzej Potemkowski
Anna Ratajczak
Marcin Ratajczak


Communication with a caregiver constitutes a significant element of dementia treatment. It should focus on explaining the essence of Alzheimer’s disease, development of symptoms, encumbrances related to caregiving and, above all, on the possibility of obtaining the effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Important topics in communication involve also the aspects of out-of-home care as well as legal issues – incapacitation and institutionalization. By rising caregivers’ awareness of the influence the disease will have on them, communication with a caregiver should clearly indicate that it is essential for them to take care of their health, which should be supervised to the same extent as the health of a patient with Alzheimer’s dementia.

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