Occupational burnout syndrome in nurses and male nurses Original article

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Renata Markiewicz
Agnieszka Markiewicz


Burnout is a syndrome characterized by negative symptoms of mental and physical overload. The reason is workers’ stressful work, poor organization, and interpersonal conflicts. There are many factors leading to burnout. Based on this study, it has been demonstrated that the predictors of burnout among the nurses’ groups include the higher education, specialization, limited opportunity for professional development and personal frustration in the context of one’s work. It is probable that the knowledge, competence and practical skills of nurses do not entail financial changes in salary, reorganization of positions, modified duties in accordance with qualifications. This situation causes disappointment, frustration and the development of burnout. The new dimension of health care involves a trained nursing staff, which according to research, is underestimated in their professional and personal development.

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