Psychopharmacological reduction of suicidal risk Review article

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Maja Polikowska
Bartosz Łoza


Some medications, like lithium, ketamine, and clozapine, demonstrate clearly benefits in the prevention of suicidal behavior in psychiatric patients. However, the sum of existing studies is generally inconclusive whether all psychotropic drugs are effective to reduce the suicidal risk. All drugs that mediate impulsivity and/or aggression can be potentially useful. Unfortunately, there is only one drug, i.e. clozapine, officially approved for suicidal patients. Ketamine may reduce suicidal ideation independently of a reduction in depressive or anxiety symptoms. Little is known about pharmacotherapy effects on suicidal ideation as distinct result from suicidal behaviors. All atypical antipsychotics seem to reduce the suicidal risk. The most complex properties are related to antidepressants, as there are warnings about the suicidal risk among youngsters, however the risk is ameliorated in most adult and older patients, especially if we use newer antidepressants (e.g. escitalopram) for a long-time treatment.

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