Internet Cloud in psychiatry Review article

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Bartosz Łoza
Maja Polikowska


The new Internet Cloud can put psychiatric patients back in charge of their lives by allowing them to stay rather at home than in a hospital or care home. At the beginning, Cloud-based health systems included mostly wearable devices containing various sensors. Such sensors might, for example, measure movements, blood glucose level for people with diabetes, blood pressure for heart patients or blood-oxygen level for people with respiratory disease. The next step for Cloud computing development is related to more advanced telemedicine systems, supporting diagnosis and treatment process or even estimating stress and mood level. Contemporary Cloud systems are reliable, secure, always-on, self-learning, less and less expensive, client-oriented and easy to access through all mobile devices. The Cloud gives the opportunity to create also the patient-to-patient social networking, actually supporting all medical aspects of patients’ lifestyle. It means Cloud apps are ready for the greatest psychiatric challenges like patients’ full engagement in the treatment process, and effective prophylaxis of civilization disorders, like anxiety, depression, and dependence disorders.

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