The image of the female body and the image created by the media Review article

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Mariusz Surowiec
Karolina Wilczyńska
Wiktor Orlof
Napoleon Waszkiewicz


In the 21st century media have a very wide range of impacts. They are so complex that it is not without reason that they are called “the fourth power”. The positive role of the mass media is, undoubtedly, indisputable. These measures pave the way for access to almost unlimited knowledge, allow contacts with other people regardless of the distance that separates them.
The self-esteem of the individual is formed from the moment of gaining self-knowledge. Ideas, figures and attitudes promoted in the mass media modify the existing archetype of man and woman in society by exerting influence on the individual and collective consciousness. Media creates a disproportion between the real world and artificial creation, which can be particularly dangerous for females, especially adolescents.
It is therefore necessary to use the mass media in such a way as to minimize the risk of mental health harms. Growing awareness of potential threats contributes to the initiatives preventing the promotion of a fictional image of women in the media.

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