How do we treat and where do we go in AMD treatment

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Anna Święch-­Zubilewicz
Joanna Dolar-Szczasny
Jerzy Mackiewicz


The number of patients with age­related macular degeneration in population over 50 increases constantly, however the exact etiology of that pathology is still not well known. Previously used wet AMD treatment methods such as radiotherapy, laser therapy or photodynamic therapy were not successful. Now the gold standard for wet AMD treatment is the use of intravitreally administered anti­VEGF antagonists such as ranibizumab, aflibercept or off­label bevacizumab. However these medications are directed against the symptoms and not the cause of described pathology. Probable multifactorial etiology of AMD needs further improvement in therapy of that disease. New immunomodulators, neuroprotectors, antioxidants as well as gene therapy is currently under investigations to improve AMD treatment


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Święch-­Zubilewicz A, Dolar-Szczasny J, Mackiewicz J. How do we treat and where do we go in AMD treatment. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2014Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.20];1(1):4-10. Available from:


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