Report from the BCLA conference (9–11 June 2017, Liverpool)

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Paulina Figura
Piotr A. Woźniak


The BCLA hosts the UK’s largest Clinical Conference and Exhibition dedicated to contact lenses and the anterior eye every 2 years. This year, the 40th Clinical Conference & Exhibition took place in Liverpool between 9th and 11th of June. The main topics covered the future of the contact lenses industry and orthokeratology – a method to prevent progression of myopia. One of the objectives of the conference was to discuss the TFOS DEWS II Report that changes the definition and management of the dry eye syndrome


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Figura P, Woźniak PA. Report from the BCLA conference (9–11 June 2017, Liverpool). Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2017Sep.29 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(3):182-5. Available from: