Digital eye strain – myth or reality? Review article

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Piotr Nesterowicz
Małgorzata Różycka
Katarzyna Różycka
Krystian Bakalarski
Kacper Kranc
Katarzyna Ulaszewska
Alan Chamernik
Radosław Różycki


The digital revolution brought about a rapid rise in the popularity of digital technologies, reshaping every aspect of life. Technological progress and frequent use of electronic devices have led to vision problems known as Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain. Digital eye strain, asthenopia, and computer vision syndrome refer to a group of symptoms resulting from using digital screens, including eye irritation and dryness, accommodation and convergence issues, and musculoskeletal pains. The severity of these symptoms depends on exposure time, the nature of visual tasks, working conditions, and individual visual abilities. Treatment of digital eye strain depends on diagnostic results and underlying conditions, and any occurring symptoms, such as asthenopia or poor ergonomic setup, should be addressed according to professional guidelines. The aim of this paper is to present the issue of digital eye strain and propose solutions that can aid in diagnosing and effectively combating its symptoms.


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Nesterowicz P, Różycka M, Różycka K, Bakalarski K, Kranc K, Ulaszewska K, Chamernik A, Różycki R. Digital eye strain – myth or reality?. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];11(4). Available from:


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