Coronavirus and the eyes. The possibilities of infection transmission, clinical symptoms and prophylaxis in the ophthalmic office Editorial article

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Marek E. Prost


Apart from conjunctivitis, SAR S-CoV-2 virus does not affect the eyes. However, it remains one of the main routes for the virus to enter the human body, so special methods of eye protection both for patients and medical personnel are necessary. The paper presents recommendations for eye protection in ophthalmic practices with special attention to the problem of preparing the equipment for examination and sterilization of diagnostic equipment.


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Prost ME. Coronavirus and the eyes. The possibilities of infection transmission, clinical symptoms and prophylaxis in the ophthalmic office. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2020Mar.31 [cited 2025Jan.22];7(1):5-. Available from:
Editorial article


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