Refractive lens exchange with a trifocal lens Alcon AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® – a controversy or a standard

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Weronika Wieczorek-Wojtaszek
Wojciech Adamski
Andrzej Dmitriew
Jarosław Kocięcki


Refractive lens exchange is still relatively new and slightly controversial method of correcting the refractive errors. The surgery consists of extracting the patient’s own lens using phacoemulsification technique in non-existent or irrelevant for sight opacifications in lens and implant of artificial intraocular lens. With modern surgery technique improvements and higher multifocal intraocular lens availability allowing the wide spectrum of acute vision, this technique becomes an attractive alternative to laser vision correction, especially in societies with higher presbyopia rates. The study included 7 patients (11 eyes) operated solely for refractive errors and/or presbyopia with Alcon AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® implant. In examination we evaluated refractive errors, both corrected and uncorrected visual acuity for distance and near, and improved quality of life and patient satisfaction after surgery. Refractive lens exchange is an effective alternative to laser eye surgery, at the same time being free from laser limitations such as high myopia or hyperopia, cornea thickness or dry eye syndrome.


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Wieczorek-Wojtaszek W, Adamski W, Dmitriew A, Kocięcki J. Refractive lens exchange with a trifocal lens Alcon AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® – a controversy or a standard. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Nov.12 [cited 2025Jan.22];5(supl. 2):12-7. Available from:


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