Therapeutic options in the treatment of inflammatory glaucoma Review article

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Julia Kaczmarek
Natalia Wolińska
Alan Pigoński
Monika Papież
Aneta Pyza
Ismael Alsoubie
Natalie Papachristoforou
Jakub Piórek
Anthony Ueno
Katarzyna Sajak-Hydzik
Ilona Pawlicka
Agnieszka Piskorz
Maciej Kozak
Anna Maria Roszkowska


Therapeutic options in inflammatory glaucoma, both pharmacological and surgical methods, have been presented in this paper. Main goals of pharmacotherapy are: controlling inflammation and reducing intraocular pressure. Anti-inflammatory drugs primarily include topical glucocorticosteroids but also nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs and immunomodulatory therapy. Elevated intraocular pressure is treated with β-blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibirozpotors, prostaglandin analogues and α2-adrenergic receptor agonists. If pharmacological treatment does not produce the desired results, surgical treatment must be considered. Due to the risk of reactivation of inflammation, it is recommended that it be performed 3 months after the inflammation has healed. Currently, trabeculectomy remains the gold standard. Among the invasive treatment techniques, we discuss trabeculectomy with the use of mitomycin C, micro-hook trabeculectomy, laser therapy, glaucoma drainage implants, deep sclerectomy and viscocanalostomy.


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Kaczmarek J, Wolińska N, Pigoński A, Papież M, Pyza A, Alsoubie I, Papachristoforou N, Piórek J, Ueno A, Sajak-Hydzik K, Pawlicka I, Piskorz A, Kozak M, Roszkowska AM. Therapeutic options in the treatment of inflammatory glaucoma. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];11(3):244-51. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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