Band keratopathy – chelation or therapeutic photokeratectomy Review article

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Ismael Alsoubie
Aneta Pyza
Julia Kaczmarek
Kinga Czarnacka
Dominika Prokop
Bartosz Kuźlik
Alicja Chmura
Ada Pandey
Małgorzata Gawlak
Bartłomiej Żaczek
Katarzyna Sajak-Hydzik
Ilona Pawlicka
Agnieszka Piskorz
Maciej Kozak
Anna Maria Roszkowska


Corneal degeneration changes corneal shape and causing its translucency disappear. The division of corneal degeneration is made according to the type deposited in its layer. Among the factors causing keratopathy, the following can be mentioned: iron, collagen, hemosiderins, and calcium salts, the last ones cause band keratopathy. This feature is characteristic of the deposition of opacities in the superficial layers of the cornea. In the treatment of band keratopathy, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid chelation and excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy are discussed.


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Alsoubie I, Pyza A, Kaczmarek J, Czarnacka K, Prokop D, Kuźlik B, Chmura A, Pandey A, Gawlak M, Żaczek B, Sajak-Hydzik K, Pawlicka I, Piskorz A, Kozak M, Roszkowska AM. Band keratopathy – chelation or therapeutic photokeratectomy. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Sep.30 [cited 2025Jan.15];10(3):195-9. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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