Rotational stability of the enVista® toric lens compared to other commonly implanted toric intraocular lenses – a literature review Review article

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Sławomir Liberski
Andrzej Dmitriew
Jarosław Kocięcki


Preoperative corneal astigmatism higher than 1 D is present in up to 30–47% of eyes with cataracts. Proper correction of astigmatism, apart from the adequately determined spherical power of the artificial intraocular lens (IOL), is the main factor ensuring the desired result of the procedure manifested as postoperative spectacle’s independence, visual function, and as a result – patient satisfaction. Toric IOL implantation allows simultaneous cataract removal and correction of corneal astigmatism during one surgical procedure. Since the introduction of toric IOLs, more rotationally stable lenses allowing for better refractive performance have been introduced to clinical practice. EnVista® is an acrylic toric IOL (enVista® MX60T; Bausch and Lomb Inc., Rochester, NY, USA), which was introduced in 2018, and currently is one of the most used toric IOLs in clinical practice worldwide. Rotational stability, apart from adequately selected spherical and toric IOL equivalents, is the most crucial parameter determining the benefits of using a toric lens because it is estimated that for every 1° of rotation of the toric IOL from the target axis, the correction of astigmatism is reduced by 3.5%; therefore a significant change of position in the postoperative period may require another surgical intervention. In this review, based on published research, we summarized the rotational stability of the enVista® lens compared to the other toric IOLs available on the market.


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How to Cite
Liberski S, Dmitriew A, Kocięcki J. Rotational stability of the enVista® toric lens compared to other commonly implanted toric intraocular lenses – a literature review. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];10(2):150-3. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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