Influence of laser correction of presbyopia using the Presbyond® Laser Blended Vision (LBV) method on the contrast sensitivity Review article

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Joanna Wierzbowska
Zofia Pniakowska


Presbyond® Laser Blended Vision (LBV) method, based on the FemtoLASIK technique, is currently the most frequently performed laser refractive procedure to correct presbyopia. This method involves the non-linear aspheric ablation of the cornea with controlled induction of spherical aberrations in both eyes and the induction of micromonovision of -0.75 to -1.50 D in the non-dominant eye. The article presents the results of published studies analyzing the effect of laser correction of presbyopia using the Presbyond® LBV method on the contrast sensitivity. The studies published so far indicate that the Presbyond® LBV treatment does not significantly affect contrast sensitivity.


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Wierzbowska J, Pniakowska Z. Influence of laser correction of presbyopia using the Presbyond® Laser Blended Vision (LBV) method on the contrast sensitivity. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];10(2):128-32. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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