Vitreous floaters – etiology, diagnostics and treatment Review article

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Joanna Skowronek
Anna Święch


Vitreous floaters are one of the most common complain of ophthalmological patients. The aetiology of floaters includes pathological process (vitreous haemorrhages, injuries, diabetics or uveitis) and also natural age-related changes in vitreous body. Diagnosis and treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms. Process of posterior vitreous detachment requires particularly careful monitoring, because of potential complications such as retinal tears or retinal detachment. Supplementation with anti-glycation and antioxidant substances allows to reduce complains of patients with vitreous floaters.


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Skowronek J, Święch A. Vitreous floaters – etiology, diagnostics and treatment. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.5];10(2):103-8. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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