Sjögren’s syndrome – diagnosis and contemporary therapeutic possibilities Review article

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Oliwia Cwalina
Ada Pandey
Dominika Prokop
Kinga Czarnacka
Małgorzata Gawlak
Bartosz Kuźlik
Katarzyna Guzek
Ismael Alsoubie
Alicja Chmura-Hołyst
Anna Roszkowska
Ilona Pawlicka
Agnieszka Piskorz
Maciej Kozak


Dry eye syndrome is a group of medical conditions that can be caused by many factors, as a result of which there is an abnormality in moisturizing of the eye surface by a tear film. One of the causes of this disorder is Sjögren’s syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies against its own proteins. The glands of external secretion, mainly lacrimal and salivary glands are damaged as a result of inflammation. Associated with this side effects, affect negatively and reduce the quality of life, which is why in the following article we present the available therapeutic options for patients suffering from ophthalmological manifestations of Sjögren’s syndrome.


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Cwalina O, Pandey A, Prokop D, Czarnacka K, Gawlak M, Kuźlik B, Guzek K, Alsoubie I, Chmura-Hołyst A, Roszkowska A, Pawlicka I, Piskorz A, Kozak M. Sjögren’s syndrome – diagnosis and contemporary therapeutic possibilities. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];10(2):110-5. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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