Retained subretinal perfluorocarbon in multimodal image Case report

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Elena Guzmán Almagro
Rosario Cobo Soriano
Irene Fuentes-Vega
Ana Fernández Hortelano
Julio González Martin-Moro


Introduction: Retained subretinal perfluoro-n-octane droplets occur in nearly 1% of the procedures. When subretinal cystoid cavities are registered, differential diagnosis including this condition is needed.

Clinical case: A 77-year-old male presented three small bubbles of perfluoro-n-octane under the papillomacular bundle after vitrectomy due to a retina redetachment, evidenced by multimodal image.

Conclusions: Multimodal image can help to diagnose this condition. There are several signs that can support this diagnosis. If visual acuity is threatened, removing the bubbles is mandatory, accepting risks.


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Guzmán Almagro E, Cobo Soriano R, Fuentes-Vega I, Fernández Hortelano A, González Martin-Moro J. Retained subretinal perfluorocarbon in multimodal image. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2021Apr.8 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(2):87-1. Available from:


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