Summer, coronavirus and dry eye syndrome – effective treatments Letter to the Editor

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Marta Misiuk-Hojło
Grzegorz Jasina


Since December, the COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting many people. Today we live in a different reality. However, despite the lethal threat, we still need to help patients with various medical problems. Often people with dry eye syndrome visit the ophthalmology’ consulting room. It’s usually not a serious complication, but it can severely hinder patients' lives and, in exceptional cases, ruin their vision. The article will present the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, causes and effective treatments. There are also discussed: the problem of COVID-19 as a disease entity, ocular symptoms whom may cause and the incidence of eye symptoms among people with this disease. In addition it will be described the connection between coronavirus and dry eye syndrome.


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Misiuk-Hojło M, Jasina G. Summer, coronavirus and dry eye syndrome – effective treatments. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];7(2):168-72. Available from:
Covid – special report


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