Statins in the perspective of medicinal product characteristics Review article

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Magdalena Tchorzewska-Skrobich
Piotr Skrobich


Lipid disorders are one of the most important risk factors for diseases of the cardiovascular system. In more than half of Polish population there is abnormal concentrations of individual lipid fractions. From the drugs that interfere with the lipids, statins are the most commonly used. Among them simvastatin, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin are available in Poland. What do they differ from each other? What are the indications for them or what risks are associated with their use? The answers to these questions are contained in the characteristics of medicinal products approved by the Medicines Regulatory Authority – the documents do not always concise, often illegible and unclear, but still legally binding.


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Tchorzewska-Skrobich , M., & Skrobich , P. (2015). Statins in the perspective of medicinal product characteristics. Cardiology in Practice, 9(2), 3-7. Retrieved from


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