Perindopril in a patient after myocardial infarction and revascularization – experience of the Warsaw center Case report

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Mariusz Kłopotowski
Adam Witkowski


A 56-year-old patient, not treated previously for cardiac conditions, came into the emergency department because of chest pain with left hand numbness. Acute myocardial infarction was diagnosed based on ECG and clinical symptoms. Patient was immediately transferred to cath lab for emergency revascularization. Coronary angiogram revealed critically narrowed marginal branch and tight stenosis of proximal left anterior descending artery. Successful primary angioplasty of the marginal branch with everolimus-eluting stent implantation was performed, followed by second stage elective angioplasty of left anterior descending artery. At the same time, patient was started on antiplatelet agents, a statin, β-blocker and converting enzyme inhibitor. Perindopril was selected, as it was proven to be beneficial for patients after myocardial infarction and revascularization. The patient was referred for an early structured cardiological rehabilitation program.


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How to Cite
Kłopotowski , M., & Witkowski , A. (2018). Perindopril in a patient after myocardial infarction and revascularization – experience of the Warsaw center. Cardiology in Practice, 11(4), 5-9. Retrieved from


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