The influence of mitomycin C on clinical results of the nasolacrimal duct anastomosis using the diode laser

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Michał Michalik


The aim of the publication is to demonstrate the influence of intraoperatively administered mitomycin C on the clinical results of endoscopic nasolacrimal duct anastomosis. The procedure was performed using a diode laser in 60 patients with tear duct obstruction. Mitomycin C has not been administered to all patients. In the second study group, the final part of the procedure was the application of a sponge soaked with mitomycin C at the site of the stoma within the nasal passage. Tear duct patency was obtained in 84% of patients in the group operated on with mitomicin C and in 71% of patients who underwent this procedure without mitomycin C. The use of mitomycin C increased the effectiveness of the procedure by 13%.

The results obtained in the study indicate that the intraoperative use of mitomycin C during the procedure of nasolacrimal duct anastomosis with diode laser increases its effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Michalik M. The influence of mitomycin C on clinical results of the nasolacrimal duct anastomosis using the diode laser. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2019Dec.31 [cited 2025Jan.22];6(4):274-8. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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