Plasma generator use in oculoplastic surgery: own experience

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Jaromir Wasyluk
Ilona Kaczmarek
Mariusz Strąk
Małgorzata Myślińska
Marta Dubisz


In this paper we present a series of clinical cases of patients suffering from different cutaneous periocular lesions, treated in our depertment with the new plasma generator device (Jett Plasma Lift Medical®, Compex spol. s r.o., Czech Republic). This direct current appliance induces air ionization (plasma) enabling electric current to flow between probe tip and the tissue, causing the last to evaporate. The subjects underwent this intervention in local anesthesia, followed by sequence of control visits with photographic documentation. This oculoplastic surgery showed good effectiveness in removing minor palpebral lesions, e.g., papilloma, xanthelasmae or fibromas.


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Wasyluk J, Kaczmarek I, Strąk M, Myślińska M, Dubisz M. Plasma generator use in oculoplastic surgery: own experience. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2019Sep.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];6(3):185-90. Available from:


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