The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes and periocular skin

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Janusz Czajkowski
Robert Grabowski


Excessive exposure to sunlight is harmful to our health. The effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays on the skin are commonly known, but our knowledge about the influence of sunlight on the eyes is neglected. Prolonged exposure to UVA accelerates skin ageing around the eyes.

Children are more exposed to UV radiation than adults and the elderly because of their more translucent lens. In the lenses of the elderly cataract develops easier, and with regard to the retina UVB is one of the risk factors for developing age-related macular degeneration. The first defensive reaction is to squint and narrow the pupils. Another filter are pigments to contained in the retina spot: lutein, and zeaxanthin. In addition, the eyes should be protected with sunglasses or contact lenses with an approved UV filter.

Above all; however, it is needed to remember about the moderate use of sunbathing and that tanning beds are recommended only for adults. People who spend a lot of time in the sun should consume a diet rich in antioxidants.


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How to Cite
Czajkowski J, Grabowski R. The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes and periocular skin. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2019Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];6(2):65-8. Available from:


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