Posterior vitrectomy with transscleral fixation of the toric lens and the assistance of the Verion system – case report

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Tomasz Kuc
Rafał Pawlikowski
Martyna Zuterek
Monika Gołębiowska
Piotr Pyrzanowski


 The paper presents the original technique of transcleral fixation toric IOL with the assist of the Verion system in patients in which intracapsular implantation cannot be performed. This technique enables to predict the location of the fixation and the lens setting in the correct axis for astigmatism.
In the paper we defined the term of angle of lens fixation, the means of its measurement as well as modification of Verion system setting. It enabled us to designate target location of lens fixation. The technique improved the refraction of the patient, by which the implant could not be done by classical method.


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Kuc T, Pawlikowski R, Zuterek M, Gołębiowska M, Pyrzanowski P. Posterior vitrectomy with transscleral fixation of the toric lens and the assistance of the Verion system – case report. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2019Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];6(2):127-30. Available from:


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