The recommended diagnostic protocol for dry eye disease

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Izabela K. Garaszczuk


The prevalence of ocular surface abnormalities, including dry eye disease, has been reported to increase over the last decade [1]. Dry eye incidence increases with age, however is notable among young adults. The disease affects half of the global population with one-fifth of the patients being undiagnosed. The lack of standardized diagnostic criteria results in a wide range of reported prevalence rates (ranging from 5–75%). Dry Eye Workshop II report summarizes a decade of important clinical studies and provides a new definition of the disease [2] and systematic clinical diagnostic protocol [3]. This protocol, provided below, enables the practitioner to perform full objective dry eye diagnosis


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Garaszczuk IK. The recommended diagnostic protocol for dry eye disease. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2019Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];6(2):86-2. Available from:


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