The role of the Barrett calculator and the Verion™ system in the qualification, planning and support of the surgeon during cataract surgery with implantation of toric intraocular lenses

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Anna Jończyk
Piotr Jurowski



The Barrett calculator is a modern intraocular lens calculation formula which measure the refractive power of the intraocular lens taking into account, in addition to the standard parameters (keratometry, axial length), predictable postoperative intraocular lens position, surgically induced astigmatism and the parameters of posterior curvature of the cornea. The keratometry of the posterior corneal surface is indirectly calculated based on the depth of the anterior chamber. This is reflected in a reduction in residual astigmatism after cataract surgery. The Verion™ system provides assistance at every stage of the cataract operation. A measuring unit can accurately evaluate keratometry, pupilometry and take a high resolution picture of anterior segment of the eyeball. A unit allows to plan each stage of the procedure, among others location of the main cut, lateral cuts, size of the capsulorexia and the place of intraocular lens within capsules. During cataract surgery Verion™ displays all the different stages of the procedure and the axis of the toric intraocular lens in the eyepiece of the surgeon. Thanks to that it is unnecessary to mark the cornea of the patient before the procedure and enables a better accuracy of the position of the intraocular implant.


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Jończyk A, Jurowski P. The role of the Barrett calculator and the Verion™ system in the qualification, planning and support of the surgeon during cataract surgery with implantation of toric intraocular lenses. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Nov.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];5(supl. 3):5-. Available from:


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