Advantages of contemporary contactology

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Arleta Waszczykowska


The dynamic development of contactology observed in recent years is the announcement of a real breakthrough in optical correction of visual defects. The projects of modern contact lenses go far beyond the basic indications for their application. Among the therapeutic indications, the participation of lenses in limiting the progress of myopia and the rehabilitation of the visually impaired deserve attention. The research on the use of contact lenses to measure tear film biomarkers seems promising, which will allow early diagnosis and monitoring of general diseases. Probably soon we will be able to apply the lenses as a drug carrier with a specific, individually matched release drug kinetics. The rapid development of electronics and miniaturization causes that era of intelligent lenses appears more probable and closer.


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Waszczykowska A. Advantages of contemporary contactology. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018May31 [cited 2025Mar.7];5(supl. 1):31-6. Available from:


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