Modern tonometry – more than pressure measurement

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Małgorzata Mulak
Dorota Szumny


Goldmann tonometer intraocular pressure measurement was described in 1957, and is still the standard method in use. However, its limitations were the basis of numerous studies aimed to develop a new device whose dependence on factors such as the thickness and other characteristics of the cornea would be kept to a minimum. Currently, different devices are tested that do not only measure the intraocular pressurebut also define other parameters that may be useful in the daily practice of ophthalmology. These include non-contact applanation tonometer (ORA, Ocular Response Analyzer, Reichert), which performs the analysis of the viscoelastic properties of the cornea too. The principle of operation is based on a bidirectional applanation using a single stream of air, which enables assessment of the corneal resistance factor and corneal hysteresis


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Mulak M, Szumny D. Modern tonometry – more than pressure measurement. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2016Dec.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];3(4):250-3. Available from:


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