Intraocular lens power calculation in patients after a vitrectomy with silicone filled eyes

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Marek E. Prost
Mariusz Strąk
Marcin Jezierski
Krzysztof Starzyk


IOL calculation may be difficult and sometimes inaccurate in silicone filled eyes. It is caused by differences in the speed of ultrasound and refractive indexes of vitreous and silicone oil. Therefore, the preferred method of IOL calculation in silicone filled eye is optic biometry. If ultrasound biometry is used, axial length should be corrected and the additional power must be added to the original IOL calculation. In the paper the principles of IOL calculation and their choice in silicone filled eyes and optical problems connected with oil removal are presented.


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Prost ME, Strąk M, Jezierski M, Starzyk K. Intraocular lens power calculation in patients after a vitrectomy with silicone filled eyes. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2015Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];2(1):72-4. Available from:


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