Central retinal vein occlusion – current treatment strategies

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Paulina Glasner
Dorota Raczyńska
Leopold Glasner


Retinal vein occlusion is one of the main reasons of low visual acuity in high- -developed countries. There was a lot of methods of treatment of the disease in the past, nevertheless, nowadays only a few are commonly used. In randomized, multi-centered research anti-VEGF treatment, steroid and laser photocoagulation effectiveness were proven. Anti-VEGF therapy seems to be the first choice drug in the last few years.


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Glasner P, Raczyńska D, Glasner L. Central retinal vein occlusion – current treatment strategies. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];3(2):87-2. Available from: https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/ophthatherapy/article/view/597


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