Laser vitreolysis – indications and the course of the procedure

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Łukasz Szmuksta


Treatments for vitreous floaters include Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis. A properly performed vitreolysis procedure using dedicated equipment (i.e. laser and appropriate lenses) is safe and predictable. Nd:YAG vitreolysis is performed in patients with floaters in the central vitreous region and without other ocular co-morbidities. The treatment involves evaporation of the vitreous floaters. Thanks to the optical breakdown of a precisely focused laser beam, it produces complete relief from the persistent problems in some patients. It is an outpatient procedure conducted under local anesthesia after prior mydriasis. YAG laser vitreolysis can be repeated if necessary.


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Szmuksta Łukasz. Laser vitreolysis – indications and the course of the procedure. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];5(4):259-61. Available from:


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